198 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for dredor


Wed 27th Jul 18:46
Europa 2210 rated  Good
Very good map. Some of the towers seem like a bit of a waste, though, because they are surrounded by other towers and don't provide any sort of view worth anything. The only other thing I would say is that it is a bit annoying when trying to sweep through large areas of territory on the left side--say after a set is cashed in--because one can only attack out from the first/bottom level of the tower
#3 of 3
Fri 22nd Jul 20:08
WarGear Warfare rated  Superb
My only complaint is that whoever gets Australia first usually seems to win the match. And whoever gets Australia usually comes down to luck/good initial placement.
#2 of 3
Fri 22nd Jul 20:05
The March Of Time rated  Great
Seems to play much better with heavy fog--the fog seems to even the odds a bit for the players with later turns. Still, if you are unlucky enough to have a third or even fourth turn on this map, you're going to have a hard time.
#1 of 3